Monday, August 13, 2012

Small Kid Time Green Mangoes with Adult Kine Bug Juice! A healthier twist on a local favorite.,,,

When we were kids,my neighbors had a giant common mango tree on their property.  We would pick green mangoes with only a rock in hand, a stick or another mango.  I'm not even sure how we managed to pick any mangoes without a picker!  Lol.  But we did.  These days my green mangoes come from the farmer's market (so much easier than flinging sticks at the mangoes on a tree!), but I still like to eat them the same way!  With bug juice!  If you are from the Big Island of Hawaii, you know what bug juice is!  It's a dipping sauce made with shoyu (soy sauce), vinegar, pepper, sugar, salt and sometimes lemon juice.  Everyone has their own little favorite way to prepare bug juice.  As for me, I like my bug juice with just shoyu, vinegar, pepper, and dash of lemon juice.

However, today I thought I'd try something a little different.  Instead of using shoyu, which is high in sodium, I decided to use Bragg's Liquid Aminos instead.

And instead of slicing the mango up into bites sized pieces, I decided to make a green mango slaw.  I used my grandma's Japanese slaw shredder thingie (i have no idea what it's called but here's a picture of it! lol).

Green Mango Slaw with a Healthy Twist on Bug Juice

2 Green common mangoes
2 Tbsp Bragg's Liquid Aminos
2 Tbsp Distilled Vinegar
Pepper, to taste
1 tsp lemon juice

Wash and peel the mangoes.  Shred mango  or slice into thin slivers.  Mix bug juice and marinate mango in it for 5 minutes until the flavors marry.  Makes 2 servings.

Enjoyed some green mango slaw with my lunch today.... Thai tofu and steamed broccoli and green mango slaw with Bragg's bug juice!

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