Saturday, August 11, 2012

Refrigerated Oatmeal

I am not a huge breakfast foods person.  In fact, I'd much rather have lunch, lunch, and dinner.  However, we know that a healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy breakfast so thank goodness for this quick and easy breakfast meal which I can actually eat cold!  (Obviously, not a big fan of hot oatmeal!)  I usually make 4 servings of these refrigerated oatmeal breakfasts and have one a day until they are gone.  They are super easy to make and the flavor options are up to you!  Here are the main ingredients that I use:

Refrigerated Oatmeal

1/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1 tsp chia seeds
4 oz of greek yogurt (plain or any flavor)
1/4- 1/2 fruit of your choice (blueberries, mango, strawberries, mandarin oranges, kiwi)
tbps of honey
skim milk (soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk)

Combine rolled oats and chia seeds in a 1/2 mason jar.  Add yogurt, fruits and honey to the jar.  Top with milk of your choice.  Cover the jar and shake it up!  Refrigerate over night and enjoy the next morning.  The rolled oats and the chia seeds will absorb the milk and yogurt and the end result is a delicious thick smoothie like breakfast meal packed with protein, fruits, and complex carbs!  

Btw, other possibilities include but are not limited to:  
Peanut butter & chocolate oatmeal (use PB2 & cocoa powder)
Coconut & Pineapple oatmeal
Mixed berries oatmeal
Be creative!

By the way, if you've never heard of chia seeds before, go out and get some!  Here's the some quick info on their nutritional value.  They are a bit pricey because the seeds are so tiny and the bags are so big!  But they have a shelf life of 2 years at room temperature.  So while a little goes a long way, it will last a while too.  Here is some info I got on chia seeds from the website  
  • Chia is the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 and dietary fiber currently known to man.
  •  According to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 fatty acids can normalize blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, while helping promote healthy heart and blood vessels.
  • With six times more calcium than milk, and with greater amounts of high-quality protein than the one found in soy, Chia also helps strengthen muscles and bones.
  •  Chia´s high fiber content and its ability to reduce blood sugar levels after meals inhibits the appetite, thus making it the perfect food for healthy, effective weight loss. Thanks to its neutral flavor and color, Chia integrates seamlessly into any healthy recipe.
  • Chia can absorb a whopping 12+ times its weight in water – flax seed only absorbs 6-8 times its weight. Chia´s insoluble fiber reduces digestive transit time and removes toxins as it passes through the digestive tract.

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