Monday, July 2, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog...the is the question...

I’ve been kicking around the idea of starting up a blog lately, but what in the world would I write about? Back in college, I had dreams of being a writer and publishing some great novel but then somewhere along the way, life happened. And i got sidetracked. And the next thing i know it’s 20 years later and I my writing career only exists as a ghost writer at work.

So back to blogging. What would I write about? Food? Exercising? My dogs? And more importantly, would anyone even want to read my sometimes weird and quirky musings?

Yet, I always believe that there is something great waiting to be discovered around every corner! And this is no different. I will see where this leads me. So happy reading or blogging or lurking, whatever you feel comfortable with is fine by me! Aloha!

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