Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Healthier Alternative....

I've been trying to eat as clean as possible for the past few months.  However, clean does not mean without any snacks!  LOL.  I love potato chips as much as the next person, however, check out these homemade sweet potato and taro chips!  I made them myself.  Actually, I make them and sell them, but that's another story.  While these chips are still deep fried, I get to control what else is in them.  And all I do is slice them up very thinly, deep fry them (I suppose you could bake them but I've never tried it), pat dry the oil, and season them with a little garlic salt! 

If we give up too many things all at once on our journey to health and fitness; we'll drive ourselves crazy and probably fail.  So if we're going give something, let's give up the preservatives and additives found in foods that we can't pronounce!  

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